Friday, 29 November 2019

Making an academic website using Academic

The above link is the home page for the website that allows the creation of an academic website with the help of a template.

Installation requirements are git, hugo and hugo-extended and visual studio code for code editing.

Install with git using the instructions on this link:
Then to customize the template, follow the instructions on the following link:

Change the menu as desired in the menus.toml file. Hide the widgets you don't need to be shown by setting the active variable in a page's code to false. Instead of the default avatar.jpg, put your own image and rename it to avatar.jpg. You can also add publication pages for each of your publication using the instructions here:

Test the web site by running hugo server command and check http://localhost:1313/ in the browser. Deploy the website on GitHub by following these instructions:
Once deployed, you can make future changes to your website and execute the following commands:
git add . git commit -m "Initial commit" git push -u origin master
hugo cd public git add . git commit -m "Build website" git push origin master cd ..

Here is mine :

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