To calculate the statistical significance, we use the t-test tool in Excel. It is available as part of the Data Analysis Add-Inn. You need to go to the Data tab and click the Analysis button. If the Analysis option does not show, you need to go to Excel Options in the Home menu and enable the Data Analysis add-in.
The following is taken from the Excel Help.
I need to compare the precision values reported for retrieved functions for two different strategies. The retrieved functions
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances
This analysis tool performs a two-sample student's t-Test. This t-Test form assumes that the two data sets came from distributions with unequal variances. It is referred to as a heteroscedastic t-Test. As with the preceding Equal Variances case, you can use this t-Test to determine whether the two samples are likely to have come from distributions with equal population means. Use this test when there are distinct subjects in the two samples.
The following is taken from the Excel Help.
I need to compare the precision values reported for retrieved functions for two different strategies. The retrieved functions
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances
This analysis tool performs a two-sample student's t-Test. This t-Test form assumes that the two data sets came from distributions with unequal variances. It is referred to as a heteroscedastic t-Test. As with the preceding Equal Variances case, you can use this t-Test to determine whether the two samples are likely to have come from distributions with equal population means. Use this test when there are distinct subjects in the two samples.