Tuesday, 2 July 2019

adding a good resolution image/figure in ACM paper


If you use \includegraphics in Latex and the included thing is a pdf file or a png/gif file, both will cause problems. Any image in pdf file has a clear resolution but upon uploading camera-ready paper on ACM, it throws an exception about fonts not being embedded. The png file is supposed to have at least 300 dpi resolution but it renders blurry on the pdf.


The best thing is to have Inkscape installed. Use inkscape to create a new file and copy your Visio diagram in it. Then go to Edit -> Resize page to selection to make the image fit to paper. Before that, you can stretch the image until it is the desirable size. Then, Save as eps file. Check the option to embed fonts while saving eps. It is easy to include an eps file using the \includegraphics tag.

Using an eps file makes sure that the image is crystal clear and does not become blurry on zooming pdf.

There is also an issue of dotted lines becoming solid lines. To handle this first copy the image from Visio and paste as bitmap in Excel. Then copy from excel and paste in Inkscape. This way the dotted lines will be preserved.

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